Monday 3 January 2011

Paper work

My plan for this year is to compete in some Hill Climb and Sprint events as well as the full Northern Ireland Navigation rally championship, and as it's January it's time to renew my competition licence. There are many different grades of licence and I think it's a bit confusing so I'll try and make it as simple as possible.

To start Navigation rallies no competition licence is needed for the beginners class, but you will need to be a member of each club. Joining the individual clubs can get a bit costly and if your doing the full season then it's actually cheaper to get a "Non-Race Clubman" licence. You will need a competition licence in the future if you get a taste for Navigation rallying and want to move up to the higher classes.

As I am aiming to compete in Hill Climb and Sprint events, which are classified as "Speed" events I will need to upgrade to the next level which is the "Non-Race National B" licence. To my knowledge this should cover me for all Hill's and Sprints in Northern Ireland. The licence will also allow me to compete as a navigator on Stage Rallies, should any opportunities come up.

See here for the MSA competition licence application form, including prices:

and see here (page 17) for a list of what licences are required for each type of event:

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