Tuesday 18 January 2011

Monte Carlo 2011

The Monte Carlo rally start tomorrow and it looks like it could be a classic. The weather has been very mild so the route is almost totally free of snow and ice making the event a much more normal tarmac rally and the entry list is swollen with talent. Petter Solberg makes his debut in the IRC series and if things follow a similar path to the last two years then it should be Petter who is standing on the top step of the podium come the end of the rally. However I'm not sure that Petter will have the machinery to climb that high, the 207 is no longer a match for the Fabia. I don't think the Peugeots will be able to stop a Skoda pilot from taking the victory but there are so many top class drivers taking part that it could go to any one of the top 15 starters.

It will be interesting to see how Guy Wilks gets on compared to Andreas Mikkelsen, who took Wilks vacated seat in the Skoda UK Fabia. I hope they both have a good clean run but I think Mikkelsen will finish ahead in the final standings.

From the photos I've seen so far of the Citroen DS3 R3T it is a fantastic looking car, if I had the money it would be my current car of choice.

People of interest for Irish motorsport fans are Chris Patterson navigating Petter Solberg at No.2, Eamonn Boland in his Evo 10 at No.36 and Daniel Barry in his Evo 9 at No.47.

IRC website:

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