Saturday 12 May 2012


The day after the Springfling I found myself changing from 4 wheels to no wheels! My sister had bought my brother, my brother-in-law and myself a session on the hovercrafts down at in Co. Cavan for Christmas. Driving a hovercraft is a pretty weird experience, you aren't really in control of it at all. You just hold the throttle full open and use your body weight, more than the steering, to "guide" you in the right direction. For me the best bit was the transition from land to water, it was totally seamless, I couldn't feel any difference at all, it was very impressive. At the end of our timed runs I came out the fastest over the lap but it was very close between everyone, it was definitely good luck rather than good judgement that had me the quickest.

I really enjoyed the hovercrafting experience but I don't think I would like to have paid the full €85 that our session would usually have cost, luckily we had some discount vouchers.

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