Saturday 11 February 2012

Galway Internation Rally 2012

Due to the low entries the last couple of years and the move to early February I haven't been to the Galway rally for a while, but with Donnelly being back out Rachel and I headed down for a look.

We set off early on Sunday morning and had a pretty stress free run down the road. There is now a dual carriageway the whole way to Galway city, except for the few miles to my house, it's bloody brilliant! Even with a detour into Dundalk to get some euros for the toll we were down in about 3 1/2 hours, just set the cruise control and relax.

We met up with James Scott and Conor Auld from QUBMC and headed up to Headford for the stages. I don't know if it was Donnelly being back or just the compact route bringing all the spectators into the same area but the hedges were heaving. It's great to see people getting their enthusiasm back for the ITC. We managed to get to 4 of the 9 proper stages which was pretty good going. Unfortunately one of the stages was cancelled but we got to see the cars 3 times so all in all a good days spectating. The MINI looked like a read handful with a flat tyre on stage 6, it was squirming all over the road.

I was very pleased for Darren Gass getting his first ITC win and it was also good to see that Tim McNulty and Eugene Donnelly's still have great pace. If we get an entry list like Galway for the rest of the ITC rounds it's going to be a very tight championship this year.

I took some photos but they are pretty rubbish, I'll blame the camera.

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