Sunday 4 September 2011

September Trial 2011

Some friends of mine were going down to the September Trial organised by the Four Wheel Drive Club NI today so I tagged along to see what the craic was. I've never been to a 4x4 trial before so it was pretty interesting. The trial is set out on the side of a hill and there are a series of gates that have to be passed through in the correct order, the more gates you pass through the fewer penalties that you receive, simple. The vehicle of choice seemed to be the small Suzuki SJ/Jimny with quite a few in action today. I was amazed at the hills they could climb and the amount of abuse they were able to take without complaint. A good mornings fun and we got away just before the rain started properly, happy days.

The photos don't really do the slope justice, it's actually much steeper than it looks here.

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