Sunday 18 September 2011

Circuit of Down Nav Rally 2011

Unfortunately the Circuit of Down navigation rally rally didn't run on Friday night. Again the reason was a lack of entries. I thought that this one might have ran, there seemed to be a bit more movement towards people entering on Monday but it still wasn't enough. I've been putting posts up on Really Mean Sounds about the rallies so I think word is getting out, very slowly though. Not much we can do but keep plugging away in the hope that things will pick up again. There is a nav rally section on this years Circuit of Ireland Retro so if people enjoy it then they might think about doing a purely navigation event, we can but hope.

Really Mean Sounds
Newry and District Motor Club
Circuit of Ireland Retro

Sunday 4 September 2011

September Trial 2011

Some friends of mine were going down to the September Trial organised by the Four Wheel Drive Club NI today so I tagged along to see what the craic was. I've never been to a 4x4 trial before so it was pretty interesting. The trial is set out on the side of a hill and there are a series of gates that have to be passed through in the correct order, the more gates you pass through the fewer penalties that you receive, simple. The vehicle of choice seemed to be the small Suzuki SJ/Jimny with quite a few in action today. I was amazed at the hills they could climb and the amount of abuse they were able to take without complaint. A good mornings fun and we got away just before the rain started properly, happy days.

The photos don't really do the slope justice, it's actually much steeper than it looks here.

Friday 2 September 2011

Moonraker Nav Rally 2011

I'm not supposed to be in front of the computer right now. I should be out competing in Dungannon Motor Clubs Moonraker Rally but unfortunately it was cancelled due to lack of entries. DMC usually get a good entry for their rally as they run a popular rally school, so the fact that even they couldn't get enough crews to make the event viable is a very bad sign for Navigation rallying in general.

Entry numbers were down towards the end of last years championship and it was decided that if 2011 was also a bad year then there would be no championship in 2012, which looks very much like it is going to happen.  I have been talking to Davy McElroy who runs Newry and District Motor Clubs Circuit of Down Navigation Rally and he didn't seem optimistic about the chances of it running either. Bad times ahead for Navigation rallying.

The Moonraker being cancelled is even more disappointing because I've spent a lot of time over the last few weeks getting the Nova ready for it. Got some new spotlights fitted and my rally timer installed, all ready to get stuck into the second half of the championship. I'm now left in the situation where the championship that I built my car for doesn't exist anymore, not sure what I'm going to do. There are a few more Lanes rallies popping up on the calender so I can do those as the car is now, but to do anything else I'm going to need to get the Nova log booked. That's not a big problem because I have most of the bits to get it up to spec but it's the extras that will require a bit of money. I'll need to upgrade my competition licence and get a rally suit and helmet. I think that will have to wait till next year.