Saturday 26 March 2011

Donaldson Fuels Nav Rally 2011

Unfortunately last nights round of the NI navigation rally championship was cancelled due to a lack of entries. I didn't do the rally last year but it seems to be the general feeling from people that I've talked to that the event was not well run and this may be the cause of the low number of entries for this year. Hopefully this will be the last event to be cancelled as we haven't scored well on the 2 rounds that have run and with fewer events left it's going to be hard to catch Davy McElroy/Clive Latimer who have won the class on both times.

Saturday 12 March 2011

Nova Accident

There it is, looking sorry for itself. Unfortunately I had an accident while driving the Nova last week and it's put my plans for the year back a good bit. There was a fair bit of damage done and every panel has been damaged to some extent. I plan to rebuild her as it's still a solid shell underneath and solid Nova's are very hard to come by these days. I think it will take about £1000 to put her right so it will be beans on toast for dinner and no nights out for the next few months. I have just recently bought the parts that are needed to upgrade the car so I can get it MSA log booked, but now I have no rally car to put the new parts on, and no money to fix the car, not a very good situation.

Couple of new parts have been ordered. New complete pattern front panel (GM 90 320 506) from a shop on eBay, £123, and a new genuine thermostat housing (GM 90 234 805) because the original one got broken in half in the crash, £35.98.

Erne Safari 2011

The final result wasn't what I had hoped for but I had a good time none the less. It took me a few sections to shake off the rust from not having done a nav rally for what seems like a long time, but once I got back into the way of driving again it was really good. The Passat isn't the most suitable car but it performed well. The route wasn't overly tight so the Passat's size didn't cause any problems.

The main issue on the night was a lack of lights and that's an area I hope to have a look into before the next event in Cookstown on the 25th March. I just couldn't see far enough up the road to feel safe about trying to push on to get back on our minute. Some conventional uprated bulbs will be a good start, but I also have a HID kit that came with the Passat that I could refit.

Other issues that don't have such an easy fix are the brakes and the suspension. I could feel on a couple of occasions that the brakes were getting too warm so I had to look after them for a few miles until they cooled again. This was possibly only a problem due to there being no relaxed section on the rally so the car didn't get its usual half distance break to cool down. On the suspension side there were no real issues, I just felt that the car was sprung a bit soft for what I was asking it to do, I had to be careful of the sump and the front bumper was grounded out a few times.

As can be see from the results link below we were classed as DNF, which is very disappointing and not actually correct. Unfortunately just after TCH I got distracted, didn't notice a corner coming up and took the "safe" option of going a few meters through an open gate into a field. The field turned out to be very wet and we got stuck for the rest of the rally. Thankfully a local farmer towed us out and there was no harm done. We went to the finish at the hotel to hand in our time card and then went home. There was no point staying as we wouldn't be getting any trophies on this occasion. We were due to finish at TCJ so we had visited more than two thirds of the controls and should have been classes as finishers but the regulations weren't followed correctly. I've sent an email about it so I hope to get it sorted out, class 2 is going to be very competitive this year so we need all the points we can get.

Erne Safari Results:

CMC Donaldson Fuels Rally regs and entry form:

Friday 4 March 2011

Finally getting started!

Tonight will be my first event of the year and I'm really looking forward to getting back out competing, it feels like its been a very long time coming. Unfortunately I damaged the Nova this week so I wont be able to use it tonight which is big let down. It looks like the rally car will be off the road for a few months as the damage is quite substantial so my Passat estate daily driver will be called into action to make its rally debut. I installed all my rally equipment last night and it makes the dash look a bit like a space ship from the 1980's but hopefully it will help keep me on time tonight when I don't have the agility of the Nova to fall back on.

Tonight's event is the Erne Safari and is organised by Enniskillen Motor Club. It starts in Irvinstown so it will be a bit of a rush to get down on time but hopefully the rally will be worth it. We missed the first round of the championship so have no points on the board as yet, a good strong finish will be needed.